Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects Of Drinking On Underage Drinking - 3458 Words

Effects Drinking has on Underaged Drinkers Underage drinking is the most abused substance in the U.S, and accounts for over 4,300 deaths yearly. Drinking, is not only unhealthy but even worse for developing teens. The human brain doesn’t stop developing until 25. It impairs judgment, causes brain damage, and most importantly lifestyles. Nineteen percent of underage people 16 to 20 got in the car with intoxicated drivers. This caused $68 billion dollars in medical bills. When an underage drinker decides to take a drink of alcohol they don’t realize the harm they are putting themselves in. They don’t realize that it can kill them if they drink too much. Alcohol poisoning can kill and it kills those who don’t realize that it’s enough. Not only is alcohol poisoning dangerous impaired judgement is just as endangering. Even if your blood alcohol content isn’t 0.8 or below it doesn’t, mean that you are okay to drive or do anything that involves putting others in danger, and it still is illegal. Adolescents have different social and emotional characteristics and experience physical and emotional changes that can affect their social and mental development. Some of these characteristics and changes can increase the likelihood that youth will find themselves in dangerous and risky situations when using alcohol at a time when they are particularly vulnerable to negative outcomes from drinking. Additionally, youth with mental health issues, such as depression or attentionShow MoreRelatedCause and Effect of Underage Drinking780 Words   |  4 Pagespaper I will exam the causes of underage drinking and they effects that this may place on the individual, their families, and society. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Young people begin to take risks and experiment as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Without support and guidance, some young people may engage in behaviors that place them and others at risk Ââ€" including using alcohol. (Youth and Underage Drinking: An Overview, 2004). As a childRead MoreThe Effects of Underage Drinking Essay853 Words   |  4 Pagesadults abuse the drinking age policy. It is put in effect for substantial reasons, which contribute in making the safest environment for all. Drinking underage is not only illegal, but also damages one’s health tremendously. Furthermore, drinking in large amounts is extremely dangerous and can cause detrimental things to occur. There have been numerous attempts to create a law to lower the drinking age, but none have gone through. In contrast to what some people may say, the drinking age should notRead MoreEffects of Underage Alcohol Drinking1923 Words   |  8 PagesUnderage alcohol drinking can have devastating effects on teenagers. It can affect teens grades, health and many other things as well. The reasons why teenagers consume alcohol are pretty clear. What aren’t clear are the solutions to eliminating, or at least reducing the number of underage drinkers. It is vital that we do so mething to at least suppress this problem. By taking action, we can greatly reduce the number of underage drinkers and it could also save not only their lives, but also someoneRead More Effects of Underage Drinking on Society Essay1100 Words   |  5 PagesUnderage Drinking Anyone who is below eighteen years of age is considered as underage and laws in many countries prohibit such a person from consuming alcohol. Alcohol happens to be the most commonly abused drug not only among the youth but also among adults. This paper explores underage drinking, its effects on the society and outlines what can be done to curb it. Young people are considered to constitute the largest number of alcohol consumers and they account for a large portion of alcoholRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On The Prevention Of Underage Drinking1280 Words   |  6 Pages Suggestions of a possible solution a. Education i. Nature. What, specifically, is the plan? Not only does family play a significant role in the prevention of underage drinking, so does education. The plan is to get more schools involved in teaching youth about the potential risks associated with underage and irresponsible drinking habits. ii. Strengths. In what ways would this plan effectively fulfill the requirements or criteria of a solution, that is make notable progress in the directionRead MoreUnderage Drinking And The Long Term Effect1557 Words   |  7 Pagesamount of research regarding underage drinking and the long-term effect that it can have on a person’s body and their mental state. The public is often informed of phases and activities that underage students are partaking in that can be extremely harmful to themselves that they are not aware of. In the journal article â€Å"The Use of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Among Underage Drinkers: Results of a National Survey† they examine the relationship between the tendencies underage drinkers who drink non-traditionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Underage Drinking On The United States874 Words   |  4 Pagesabuse of alcohol among teenagers in the United States is universal and destructive. Teenagers believe drinking to be the cool that they mus t do to fit in with a crowd or become the popular one, when they do not realize all it brings is harm. Underage drinking has been one of the largest unsolved problems in history. Although many ideas have been made and put into practice, like raising the drinking age, harsher punishments, and, at one point, banning it all-together, nothing people do can stop teensRead MoreIs Underage Drinking Not Only Effect Their Live?1650 Words   |  7 Pages Actually underage drinking not only effect their live, but also affect teenager’s health. Research has shown that about 40% of teens drinking of 14-19 degree is achieved the level of short-term risk of harm. So what harm does alcohol do to your body? First of all, alcohol can poison the liver, cause the liver function damage. Excessive drinking consumption increased the burden on the liver. Mainly depends on the oxidative decomposition, damaged liver cell degeneration. Eventually lead to cirrhosisRead MoreEffects Of Underage Drinkin g On Public Health1797 Words   |  8 PagesChristopher Duffey HSC 401: Public Health and Policy Professor James D. Blagg Public Health Issue/Health Policy Analysis Paper April 10, 2016 Impact of Underage Drinking on Public Health: Minimum Legal Drinking Age Policy Overview of the Issue The adult consumption of alcohol, in moderation and in a responsible manner, is perfectly fine. Issues arise when the consumption of alcoholic beverages are done so in a way that is excessive, risky, done so as a coping mechanism, illegally, and done so inRead MoreThe Effects Of Television On Children s Decision Of Underage Drinking Essay2291 Words   |  10 PagesWhat would you do if you were to find out, that just by watching an advertisement on television, it can lead you to drug problems, health issues, or even death? With this, alcohol distributors poison the mind of the young and make them believe that drinking can really bring all the pleasures portrayed in the advertisements, like the beach parties, celebrations, and fun at sporting events Alcohol, that may be consumed, has been a very important aspect of the world. Many people enjoy being able to have

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