Monday, January 6, 2020

The opportunities and pitfalls of cloud computing Free Essay Example, 2500 words

However, since the inception of the cloud computing, most of the barriers to the entry for starting a company have been dramatically reduced and the cloud computing may have removed this strategic advantage away from the large corporations (Cunningham, & Wilkins, 2009). This, therefore, leaves the small talented team of the individuals to address the perceived market needs. Additionally, this alleviates the need for the venture capital funds that provides the necessary IT infrastructures. Cloud computing creates a learning environment that can surpass the restrictions posed by the location and time that most students face. With the cloud computing, there is a learning environment whereby the students can log in to the online blackboards, downloading the course materials, taking the tests and exams or completing the assignments in a more flexible manner. Additionally, the cloud computing can increase the interoperability between the different institutions that are using the same clou d provider and hence promoting the joint research programs and the exchange of the vital scientific information and the databases between the researchers (Hwang, Dongarra, & Fox, 2013). The utilization of the cloud computing can lead to the reduction of the costs related to the IT infrastructure that are necessary for the standard internet network service. We will write a custom essay sample on The opportunities and pitfalls of cloud computing or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This, therefore, makes the cloud computing particularly very appealing to the governments and businesses that lack the financial means of covering the internet IT support and the recurring hardware costs. For instance, in the education sector, several universities, especially in the developing countries, use the Software as a Service (SaaS) applications whereby the cloud servers host the virtual interfaces of the educational contents. With the cloud services, the educational systems can facilitate the on-line courses, the payroll systems, student emails and the improvements of the cross-campus collaborations between the various university departments. Due to the flexible nature of the cloud services, the educational institutes and universities are able to use some of the cloud services on demand thus helping in the saving of the funds that can be allocated for other services. Another advantage of the cloud computing is in the health sector, especial ly in the developing countries whereby the majority of the people resides in the remote or rural areas. The mobile health applications are important for the health workers in delivering the efficient healthcare services to the rural areas by providing the range of the services.

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