Sunday, April 19, 2020

Writing and South African Education free essay sample

For you are expected to write an academic essay. Please choose ONLY ONE topic on which to write your academic essay. Either write about Afrocentrism and South African education (Topic 1) OR Eurocentrism and South African education (Topic 2). Topic 1: Afrocentrism and South African education. The situation / Role and audience: You have been asked to write a short academic article for a journal that publishes work of undergraduate and graduate students in South Africa. The name of the journal is Stir: Education for social justice in South Africa. The readers of this journal are fellow undergraduate and postgraduate students, university staff and professional educators teaching in the FET sector. Task: Write an argumentative essay (maximum 1500 words) in which you address the following statement by answering the two questions that follow: While the Africanisation of South African education affords the social engineer with the opportunity to challenge the legacy of the apartheid system, it simultaneously calls for the unearthing, promoting and codification if indigenous knowledge systems in order to establish a South African identity (Le Roux, 2001: 34). We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and South African Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Africanisation entails contextualization in the sense that the South African learner will be equipped, through school-typical education, to master and control the South African reality. 1. In view of the latter, put arguments forward to indicate how Ubuntu, as principle of Africanisation, can be utilized to master and control the South African education reality. 2. During your discussion you should analyse stipulations from CAPS (2011) to indicate how this education policy is informed (or not) by the principle of Ubuntu. You must support your argument with relevant ideas and evidence from academic sources. Refer to at least six academic sources in your essay. You are expected to not only rely on the articles discussed in class but to find additional academic sources. Please follow the referencing conventions as presented in the referencing documentation available under the Study Material section on Blackboard. Format: Your essay should be typed. Please use double spacing, Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font with a size of 11 or 12. Make sure your essay include the follow elements: An introduction in which you introduce the topic you will discuss by establishing the link between Africanisation and education in South Africa, provide a thesis statement that clearly indicates your position, and provide an overview of what will be discussed in the essay. Body paragraphs in which you establish the relationship between Ubuntu and education in South Africa, provide a relevant example of the implementation of the concept of Ubuntu in the classroom, and analyse one stipulation of CAPS (2011) to indicate how it is (or is not) informed by the Ubuntu. Conclude your essay with a paragraph in which you restate to your thesis and summarise your main arguments. The introduction and conclusion together should not constitue more than 10% of the total word count. Process stages for researching and writing your essay: i. ii. iii. iv. Read and reflect on relevant academic articles. You are expected to do independent research and to not only use the academic articles we discussed during class. Define, compare and contrast the impact of Afrocentric and Eurocentric approaches on education in South Africa in small groups, when completing class preparation activities, etc. Do this with specific reference to the Africanisation of education practices in South Africa, e. g. Ubuntu. Write Draft 1 and submit it before 27 February via Turnitin on Blackboard. Please print a copy of your essay that you must bring to your class on Thursday 27 February. Make sure to include your student number on your essay. In class you will receive the essay of a peer that you will review. The peer review process will be completed during class time. Rewrite your draft based on the peer review AND visit the Write Site on level 3, Sasol Library. Interpretation of Ubuntu in relation to South African education (at least 3 sources should be used). Interpretation of the established relationship between Ubuntu and education. Provide one example of the implementation of Ubuntu in the classroom context. What is positive and negative about the afore-going implementation? 4–5 Conclusion: Overall writing style: 1 Clear link established. Position of writer clearly expressed in a thesis statement. Thorough indication of the content of this assignment Acceptable link established. Thesis statement vague or difficult to understand. Acceptable indication of  the content of this assignment Link established = vague. No thesis statement present. Vague indication of the content of this assignment 11 – 15 Excellent interpretation. Clear and relevant relationship shown between Ubuntu and the importance (or not) for education. 7 – 10 Good interpretation. Unclear and sometimes relevant relationship shown between Ubuntu and the importance (or not) for education. 2-3 Acceptable example. Not entirely feasible. Acceptable indication of the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Ubuntu in the classroom in relation to the example  provided. Argument (Policy vs Ubuntu) = Good interpretation; sometimes relevant Argument (Policy vs Ubuntu) = Poor interpretation 4-5 Thesis is clearly restated without using the same language found in the introduction. A clear and concise summary is provided of the key arguments presented. 4-5 Excellent academic language use. Writing clear and concise 2-3 Thesis is clearly stated by copy/paste from the introduction. Summary is unclear, verbose or incomplete in some instances 2-3 Good language use. Writing mostly clear and concise. 1 Thesis is not restated. Summary is unclear, verbose and incomplete. Totally feasible. Excellent indication of the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Ubuntu in the classroom in relation to the example provided. 7 10 Analysis of policy stipulation from CAPS (2011): (only 1 stipulation must be used). (a) write the stipulation down with the department of education as reference; (b) Choose â€Å"a word† or â€Å"a phrase† and explain the meaning of the chosen word or phrase (1 source should be used); (c) Put arguments forward to indicate how the analysed word/ phrase can be linked with Ubuntu ( at least 1 source should be used) Put arguments forward to indicate how the policy is informed (or not) by the principle of Ubuntu (this should be done in relation to your analysis). 2–3 1 Example not relevant. Not feasible. Poor indication of the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Ubuntu in the classroom in relation to the example provided. 1–3 1 Poor language use. Writing unclear and verbose. Grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling enhance the essay’s quality. Use of evidence / Referencing: Some grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors, but it does not distract from the meaning of the argument. Many grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors distract from the argument presented. 4-5 Excellent use of different sources to support argument; effectively provides relevant examples and evidence; sources correctly cited in the text and in the reference list. 2-3 Good use of different sources to support argument; provides some relevant examples and evidence; sources in most cases cited correctly in the text and in the reference list. 1 Inadequate amount of sources used to support argument; few relevant examples and evidence; sources incorrectly cited in the text and in the reference list. Writing and South African Education free essay sample Write an argumentative essay (maximum 1 500 words) in which you address the following statement by answering the two questions that follow: While the Fractionation of South African education affords the social engineer with the opportunity to challenge the legacy of the apartheid system, it simultaneously calls for the unearthing, promoting and codification if indigenous knowledge systems in order to establish a South African identity (El Roux, 2001 : 34).Fractionation entails conceptualization in the sense that the South African learner will be equipped, through school-typical education, to master and control the South African reality. 1. In view of the latter, put arguments forward to indicate how Bunt, as principle of Fractionation, can be utilized to master and control the South African education reality. . During your discussion you should analyses stipulations from CAPS (2011) to indicate how this education policy is informed (or not) by the principle of Bunt.You must support your argument with relevant ideas and evidence from academic sources. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and South African Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Refer to at least six academic sources in your essay. You are expected to not only rely on the articles discussed in class but to find additional academic sources. Please follow the referencing conventions as presented in the referencing documentation available under the Study Material section on Blackboard. Format: Your essay should be typed. Please use double spacing Arial, Caliber or Times New Roman font with a size of 11 or 12.Make sure your essay include the follow elements: An introduction in which you introduce the topic you will discuss by establishing the link between Fractionation and education in South Africa, provide a thesis statement that clearly indicates your position, and provide an overview of what will be discussed in the essay. Body paragraphs in which you establish the relationship between Bunt and education in South Africa, provide a relevant example of the implementation of the concept of Bunt n the classroom, and analyses one stipulation of CAPS (201 1) to indicate how it is (or is not) informed by the Bunt.Conclude your essay with a paragraph in which you restate to your thesis and summaries your main arguments. The introduction and conclusion together should not constitute more than of the total word count. Process stages for researching and writing your essay: Read and reflect on relevant academic articles. You are expected to do independent research and to not only use the academic articles we discussed during class. Define, compare and contrast the impact of Affrication and Resurrection approaches on education in South Africa in small groups, when completing class preparation activities, etc. Well do this in class throughout the term). DO this with specific reference to the Fractionation of education practices in South Africa, e. G. Bunt. Write Draft 1 and submit it before 27 February via Turning on Blackboard. Please print a copy of your essay that you must bring to your class on Thursday 27 February. Make sure to include your student number on your essay. In class you will receive the essay of a peer that you will review. The peer review process will be completed during class time.Rewrite your draft based on the peer review AND visit the Write Site on level 3, Solo Library. Submit Draft 2 via Turning on Blackboard by 6 March. Print a copy of Draft 2 tattoo submit with the following documents on Thursday 6 March in class: draft 1, one completed peer review form, and your assessment of the peer reviewer. Criteria for evaluation: The criteria that will be used to evaluate your essay are expressed in the following rubric: Introduction: 1. Establish a link between Fractionation South African education ( at least 1 source should be cited) 2.Clearly state your thesis 3. An indication of what will be done in this assignment Body paragraphs: Interpretation of Bunt in relation to South African education (at least 3 sources should be used). Interpretation of the established relationship between Bunt and education. Provide one example of the implementation of Bunt in the classroom context. What is positive and negative about the afore-going implementation? 4-5 Conclusion: Overall writing style: Clear link established. Position of writer clearly expressed in a thesis statement. Thorough indication of the content of this assignment Acceptable link established. Thesis statement vague or difficult to understand. Acceptable indication of the content of this assignment Link established = vague. No thesis statement present. Vague indication Of the content Of this assignment 11-15 Excellent interpretation. Clear and relevant relationship shown between Bunt and the importance (or not) for education. 7-10 Good interpretation.Unclear and sometimes relevant relations IP shown between Bunt and the importance (or not) for education. 2-3 Acceptable example. Not entirely feasible. Acceptable indication of the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Bunt in the classroom in relation to the example provided. 1-6 Problematic interpretation. Blurred and irrelevant. No clear indication provided of the relationship between Bunt and the importance (or not) for education. Analysis of word/ phrase = meaningful and contribute to deep understanding.Analysis of word/ phrase = vague and not very meaningful Analysis of word/ phrase = not meaningful and does not contribute to deep understanding Link with Bunt = relevant and clear Link with Bunt = vague and unclear Link with Bunt = irrelevant and unclear Argue meet (Policy vs. Bunt) Excellent interpretation; relevant; logical Argument (Policy vs. Bunt) = Good interpretation; sometimes relevant Argue meet (Policy vs. Bunt) = Poor interpretation Thesis is clearly restated without using the same language found in the introduction. A clear and concise summary is provided of the key arguments presented. Excellent academic language use. Writing clear and concise Thesis is clearly stated by copy/paste from the introduction. Summary is unclear, verbose or incomplete in some instances Good language use. Writing mostly clear and concise. Thesis is not restated. Summary is unclear, verbose and incomplete. Relevant example. Totally feasible. Excellent indication of the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Bunt in the classroom in relation to the example Analysis of policy stipulation from CAPS (2011): (only 1 stipulation must be used). A) write the stipulation down with the department of education as reference; (b) Choose a word or a phrase and explain the meaning of the chosen word or phrase (1 source should be used); (c) put arguments forward to indicate how the analyses word/ phrase can be linked with Bunt ( at least 1 source should be used) d) Put arguments forward to indicate how the policy is informed (or not) by the principle of Bunt (this should be done in relation to your analysis). Example not relevant. Not feasible.

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